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Get the S Voice APK from the Galaxy S5 now

s voice s5
© Sammobile

For owners of Galaxy S4 and Note 3’s whose devices are running on Android 4.4.2, the Galaxy S5 S Voice app APK is ready for download. The Galaxy S5 got quite the makeover since its predecessors, rendering lots of its user interface a lot flatter, as you can see in our Galaxy S5 hands-on review. The voice app was part of this transformation.

s voice s5
 © SamMobile

There are already a ton of Galaxy S5 apps out already, like S Note, Calculator and WatchON. In fact, last week we gave owners of the previous Samsung flagship all the ways to turn the Galaxy S4 into the Galaxy S5. Here is yet one more piece of the puzzle.

Head over to the SamMobile website where you will find the APK for the new S Voice app. Again, this will only work on S4's and Note 3’s lucky enough to have received the newest version of Android. You will also be able to install the APKs for the other apps brandishing the new S5 look.

Did you give it a whirl? What do you think?

Source: SamMobile

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Loie Favre

Loie Favre

Loie Favre found her way to her present passion for Android and smartphone technology after experiencing an epiphany when she held her Galaxy Note 2. From that point onwards, you can find her with her nose buried in countless Android apps and different smartphone models, and thanking her lucky stars that she gets to work at something she loves.

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