Even the most experienced Android user will find out something new about their device while using it. Here's some tips that we hope you'll enjoy for the Nexus 7.
The Moto X is already a speedy little Android smartphone, but there's a few things you can do to make it even faster than it already is. Here's five to get you started.
Boot animations are a great place to show some creativity on your Android. The problem is, most manufacturers are not that creative, so why not replace it? Here's how.
If the thought of flashing an incomplete developer preview on your Nexus 5 to get Android L turns you off, you can look to CyanogenMod's impressive theme engine instead.
With one simple trick you can enable the ''Ok Google'' hotword voice search from any screen, not just your home screens. It's super easy and takes about ten seconds!
Ads - whether static, video or audio - can be annoying as well as big data hogs. In our guide, find out how to block ads and pop-ups with ad blockers on Android.
Today we'll give you a few pointers on how you can not only speed up your Galaxy Note 2, but also ways to make using a lot more effective! Let's get cracking!
We just got our LG G Watch and thought we'd show you how easy it is to get Android Wear installed on your device and your Android Wear smartwatch up and running.
We will show you how you can unlock the bootloader of your device with one-click across multiple manufacturers. You will need to have your device rooted.
We recently showed you a bunch of reasons why you should root your device, but what about the other side? Here's some reasons why you shouldn't root your device.
CyanogenMod is popular, but it also is a custom ROM and needs to have root access to be installed. Here's how you can get some of the features without needing to tinker.
While there are a wealth of reasons to root your phone, not all of them are immediately obvious when you're first considering it. Here's the ten best reasons to root.
Keeping the pretty tiny battery in the Nexus 4 running at its peak rate isn't as hard as you may think. Here's five tips to avoid battery drain on your your Nexus 4.
The Nexus 7 2013 isn’t fault-free, and can be buggy and laggy on occasion. Here are some ways you can speed up the performance of your Nexus 7 2013!
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