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Ingalena gave a thumbs up for this post. Mar 21, 2018 RE: Witze (+50 Points)
Sandra G. gave a thumbs up for this post. Mar 19, 2018 RE: Café Funkloch (+50 Points)
Deactivated Account gave a thumbs up for this post. Mar 18, 2018 RE: Café Funkloch (+50 Points)
Thomas Branka upvoted this comment Mar 18, 2018 Mit oder ohne Notch: Über den Trend im Smartphone-Jahr 2018 (+50 Points)
Karsten Bartelt gave a thumbs up for this post. Mar 18, 2018 App question (+50 Points)
Kamal Nicholas upvoted this comment Mar 17, 2018 Ich bin wieder da (+50 Points)
Deactivated Account gave a thumbs up for this post. Mar 16, 2018 RE: Café Funkloch (+50 Points)
isabel girau forkert gave a thumbs up for this post. Mar 13, 2018 RE: Radio schaltet sich mit abgeschalteten Display ab (+50 Points)
Sophia Neun gave a thumbs up for this post. Mar 12, 2018 App question (+50 Points)
Alter Leipziger gave a thumbs up for this post. Mar 9, 2018 RE: Café Funkloch (+50 Points)