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Elvedin Čolaković upvoted this comment Dec 15, 2020 App Store: So wird Apple den Datenschutz beim App-Download verbessern (+50 Points)
Tim upvoted this comment Dec 15, 2020 App Store: So wird Apple den Datenschutz beim App-Download verbessern (+50 Points)
Stan Lee upvoted this comment Dec 12, 2020 Kaufberatung: Welche Handyhülle passt zu Eurem Smartphone? (+50 Points)
Stan Lee upvoted this comment Dec 12, 2020 Kaufberatung: Welche Handyhülle passt zu Eurem Smartphone? (+50 Points)
Nobody upvoted this comment Dec 9, 2020 Apple iPhone 12 mini im Test: Zierlich und doch leistungsstark (+50 Points)
Nobody upvoted this comment Dec 8, 2020 Renderbilder zum Galaxy S21 Plus: Behält Samsung den Plastik-Trend bei? (+50 Points)
Marcel gave a thumbs up for this post. Dec 8, 2020 App question (+50 Points)
Tim gave a thumbs up for this post. Dec 8, 2020 App question (+50 Points)
Elvedin Čolaković upvoted this comment Dec 8, 2020 Apple iPhone 12 mini im Test: Zierlich und doch leistungsstark (+50 Points)
Cario gave a thumbs up for this post. Dec 8, 2020 App question (+50 Points)