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Jack Black upvoted this comment Sep 10, 2021 Gerücht: Apple iPhone 14 aus Titan, ohne Notch und Kamerabuckel (+50 Points)
Benjamin Lucks gave a thumbs up for this post. Sep 10, 2021 App question (+50 Points)
Yiruma gave a thumbs up for this post. Sep 10, 2021 App question (+50 Points)
Benjamin Lucks gave a thumbs up for this post. Sep 10, 2021 App question (+50 Points)
Deactivated Account upvoted this comment Sep 9, 2021 Gerücht: Apple iPhone 14 aus Titan, ohne Notch und Kamerabuckel (+50 Points)
Tim upvoted this comment Sep 9, 2021 Oppo Reno 6 5G im Test: Was kann die neue iPhone-Alternative für 500 €? (+50 Points)
Deactivated Account upvoted this comment Sep 8, 2021 iPhone 13: Das erwartet NextPit vom neuen Apple-Handy (+50 Points)
deltakula upvoted this comment Sep 8, 2021 iPhone 13: Das erwartet NextPit vom neuen Apple-Handy (+50 Points)
Philbo upvoted this comment Sep 8, 2021 iPhone 13: Das erwartet NextPit vom neuen Apple-Handy (+50 Points)
Tim upvoted this comment Sep 8, 2021 iPhone 13: Das erwartet NextPit vom neuen Apple-Handy (+50 Points)