Kelcey 22


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Marcelo Roder Ferreira upvoted this comment Nov 7, 2015 Review do Samsung Galaxy On7: o intermediário perdido em meio à linha Galaxy (+50 Points)
Marcelo Roder Ferreira upvoted this comment Nov 7, 2015 Review do Samsung Galaxy On7: o intermediário perdido em meio à linha Galaxy (+50 Points)
Marcos Fontes gave a thumbs up for this post. Nov 5, 2015 App question (+50 Points)
Deactivated Account gave a thumbs up for this post. Nov 5, 2015 App question (+50 Points)
Bruce Bianco upvoted this comment Nov 5, 2015 Será que a linha Moto 2013 merece o update para o Android Marshmallow? (+50 Points)
DJtonilima gave a thumbs up for this post. Nov 4, 2015 App question (+50 Points)
Deactivated Account upvoted this comment Oct 28, 2015 5 widgets que todo usuário Android deve experimentar (+50 Points)
Deactivated Account upvoted this comment Oct 19, 2015 Google translator faz traduções dentro de outros apps no Marshmallow (+50 Points)
Lukas A. gave a thumbs up for this post. Oct 14, 2015 App question (+50 Points)
Artur Scolari upvoted this comment Oct 12, 2015 Marshmallow não oferece Dark Theme, mas isso não significa o fim do tema escuro no Android! (+50 Points)