Gabriel 32


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David CD upvoted this comment Feb 9, 2017 O Android puro é a interface do usuário mais querida (+50 Points)
Deactivated Account upvoted this comment Feb 6, 2017 O que deu errado com os tablets Android? (+50 Points)
Matheus J. Shopek upvoted this comment Jan 31, 2017 O que deu errado com os tablets Android? (+50 Points)
Marcelo Roder Ferreira upvoted this comment Jan 31, 2017 O que deu errado com os tablets Android? (+50 Points)
Deivis Schuman upvoted this comment Jan 31, 2017 O que deu errado com os tablets Android? (+50 Points)
Lucas Goulart F. gave a thumbs up for this post. Jan 30, 2017 App question (+50 Points)
Deactivated Account gave a thumbs up for this post. Jan 30, 2017 App question (+50 Points)
Deactivated Account gave a thumbs up for this post. Jan 30, 2017 App question (+50 Points)
Chris upvoted this comment Jan 26, 2017 Top 10 dos mais buscados no Brasil mostra que os intermediários estão com tudo (+50 Points)
Deactivated Account upvoted this comment Jan 26, 2017 Top 10 dos mais buscados no Brasil mostra que os intermediários estão com tudo (+50 Points)