Gabriel 32


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Delmary Andrade Coutinho upvoted this comment Jan 13, 2017 A nova versão do Telegram para PC dá um banho na do WhatsApp (+50 Points)
Deactivated Account gave a thumbs up for this post. Jan 13, 2017 App question (+50 Points)
Fernando Lima upvoted this comment Jan 13, 2017 Se a Sony não mudar em 2017, vai mudar em 2018 (+50 Points)
Gato Felix gave a thumbs up for this post. Jan 13, 2017 App question (+50 Points)
André Cruz de Aguiar upvoted this comment Jan 13, 2017 A nova versão do Telegram para PC dá um banho na do WhatsApp (+50 Points)
Deactivated Account upvoted this comment Jan 13, 2017 Se a Sony não mudar em 2017, vai mudar em 2018 (+50 Points)
Jorge L. Machado upvoted this comment Jan 12, 2017 Se a Sony não mudar em 2017, vai mudar em 2018 (+50 Points)
Deactivated Account upvoted this comment Jan 11, 2017 99,3% dos dispositivos com Android rodam versões antigas da plataforma (+50 Points)
Naja Ferreira upvoted this comment Jan 10, 2017 Estes são os smartphones Android com as melhores baterias do momento (+50 Points)
Gilmar Luiz upvoted this comment Jan 9, 2017 Android Nougat: quais dispositivos receberão a atualização? (+50 Points)