Gabriel 32


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Deactivated Account upvoted this comment Nov 18, 2016 Como desbloquear o Bootloader do seu Android (+50 Points)
Deactivated Account upvoted this comment Nov 17, 2016 Galaxy J7 Prime: Samsung quer desbancar Quantum, Asus e Lenovo (+50 Points)
Deivis Schuman upvoted this comment Nov 14, 2016 Como serão os smartphones em 2050? (+50 Points)
Deivis Schuman upvoted this comment Nov 11, 2016 Lenovo relança o Vibe K5 com sensor biométrico por R$999,00 (+50 Points)
Deivis Schuman upvoted this comment Nov 9, 2016 Lenovo relança o Vibe K5 com sensor biométrico por R$999,00 (+50 Points)
Deivis Schuman upvoted this comment Nov 9, 2016 Lenovo relança o Vibe K5 com sensor biométrico por R$999,00 (+50 Points)
Deivis Schuman upvoted this comment Nov 9, 2016 Lenovo relança o Vibe K5 com sensor biométrico por R$999,00 (+50 Points)
Deivis Schuman upvoted this comment Nov 9, 2016 LG G3: 12 dicas para você explorar o Android Marshmallow do aparelho (+50 Points)
Jonscravit upvoted this comment Nov 8, 2016 Lenovo relança o Vibe K5 com sensor biométrico por R$999,00 (+50 Points)
Edson Nery upvoted this comment Nov 4, 2016 Android Nougat à prova: o software feito para os novos smartphones (+50 Points)