Gabriel 32


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airton upvoted this comment Sep 4, 2016 Review do Google Duo: agora com chamadas de voz (+50 Points)
Deactivated Account upvoted this comment Sep 2, 2016 Review do Moto Z Play: o smartphone resistente (+50 Points)
Altair de Oliveira upvoted this comment Sep 2, 2016 Review do Moto Z Play: o smartphone resistente (+50 Points)
Deactivated Account upvoted this comment Sep 1, 2016 Review do Moto Z Play: o smartphone resistente (+50 Points)
Deactivated Account upvoted this comment Sep 1, 2016 Review do Moto Z Play: o smartphone resistente (+50 Points)
Victor Lima upvoted this comment Sep 1, 2016 Review do Moto Z Play: o smartphone resistente (+50 Points)
Deivis Schuman upvoted this comment Sep 1, 2016 Review do Moto Z Play: o smartphone resistente (+50 Points)
Deivis Schuman upvoted this comment Sep 1, 2016 Review do Moto Z Play: o smartphone resistente (+50 Points)
Camila Rinaldi upvoted this comment Aug 30, 2016 Review do Google Duo: agora com chamadas de voz (+50 Points)
Rodrigo De Oliveira R. upvoted this comment Aug 30, 2016 Lenovo Vibe K5: 11 dicas para você explorar o dispositivo (+50 Points)