Gabriel 32


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Deivis Schuman upvoted this comment Aug 16, 2016 Fuchsia: saiba tudo sobre o novo sistema operacional do Google (+50 Points)
Victor Lima upvoted this comment Aug 16, 2016 Fuchsia: saiba tudo sobre o novo sistema operacional do Google (+50 Points)
Deivis Schuman upvoted this comment Aug 12, 2016 Moto M: ótimas especificações a um preço super acessível... na China (+50 Points)
Deivis Schuman upvoted this comment Aug 12, 2016 Moto M: ótimas especificações a um preço super acessível... na China (+50 Points)
Rodrigo J. B. Duarte gave a thumbs up for this post. Aug 5, 2016 App question (+50 Points)
Deactivated Account gave a thumbs up for this post. Aug 4, 2016 App question (+50 Points)
Deactivated Account gave a thumbs up for this post. Aug 4, 2016 App question (+50 Points)
Wagner Sanches gave a thumbs up for this post. Aug 4, 2016 App question (+50 Points)
Deactivated Account upvoted this comment Aug 4, 2016 Review do IDOL 4: um dos melhores intermediários do ano (+50 Points)
Deactivated Account gave a thumbs up for this post. Aug 4, 2016 App question (+50 Points)