Un Rootable Android Devices

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Cameron Naumann
  • Forum posts: 24

May 11, 2015, 3:41:25 PM via Website

Everyone Has Their Best And Worst Android Device. What If You Couldn't Control It? Having An Autonomous Device Sounds Scary Right? It Does Whatever It Wants To And You Don't Know, Or You Do. And You Can't Control What It Does. Well Some Manufacturers Are Creating Un Rootable Devices Which Are Nearly Un Dented By Any Root Method. Which Makes Sure Whatever Sneaky Trick They Added Works Or To Simply Con You Out Of A SD Mount That Your Device Has. This Has Angered Some But Manufacturers Claim Its To Protect You From Yourself. But If You Have A Heavy Wallet Or Mad Coding Skills You Can Get A Root For Your Device. Its Just That Easy DIY Rooting Might Get Killed By New Boot Loader Locks.

rachel gomez
  • Forum posts: 31

May 4, 2023, 9:22:51 AM via Website

Autonomous devices may sound scary, but in reality, most modern devices come with built-in safety and security features that protect users from malicious software and other threats. While some manufacturers are making it harder to root their devices, this is often done for security reasons and to protect the integrity of the operating system. In some cases, rooting a device can void its warranty and may expose users to security risks.

As for updating to Android 4.4 KitKat, the availability of this update will depend on the manufacturer and carrier of your device. Many older devices may not be compatible with the latest versions of Android, and even if they are, the update may not be available in all regions. It's always a good idea to check with your device manufacturer or carrier to see if an update is available for your specific device.

Rachel Gomez