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5 reasons to upgrade your Galaxy S5

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Your Samsung Galaxy S5 is due for an upgrade. I don't mean your plan, I mean the device. It's outdated and you should trade-in this smartphone for something better. Here are five reasons why you should upgrade your Galaxy S5.

androidpit Samsung Galaxy S5 Neo 7
Time to trade-in your outdated Galaxy S5. / © ANDROIDPIT

Reason 1: There are other Galaxies to explore

What if you can get a much better Galaxy experience, would that entice you to upgrade? Well, there are better Galaxies out there to discover and you should definitely trade up.

Since the Galaxy S7 came out, the Galaxy S6 got a lot cheaper. And to boot, the Galaxy S6 is just a better device than the S5 in all categories. The jump from the S5 to the S6 was massive. We're talking light years ahead of the S5. It was Samsung's move into the premium space to challenge Apple's dominance, and it's a doozy. To find out all the ways it's better, check out our comparison page below.

The Galaxy S7 is one of the best designed smartphones ever created, and it's no doubt better than the S5. I cannot elaborate all the reasons the S7 is better but they encompass every category: design, specs, camera, software battery, etc. I suggest you have a look at our comparison article to get a better idea.

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The Galaxy S5 vs the S7, quite a difference in quality. / © ANDROIDPIT

Reason 2: The design and hardware are outdated

Let's face it, the Galaxy S5 isn't a good-looking device. In fact, it's one of the ugliest smartphones that still gets a decent amount of sales. The S5 is designed the old way Samsung crafted its Galaxy series. It has a textured back with a plastic cover. It's not ergonomic and it's unsightly.

The Galaxy S5 display was not too shabby Samsung, in 2014. Now it seems dim, unclear and far too weak because so many newer devices outshine it. It does have a 1080p  (432 ppi) display but the colors aren't rich and it's not suited for VR.

The S5 comes equipped with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 chipset backed with only 2 GB RAM. This is way behind the times and unacceptable for any new flagship device. The bottom line: it's outdated and it's time to upgrade it.

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The hardware and design of the S5 are outdated. / © ANDROIDPIT

Reason 3: You're on borrowed time

Do you enjoy it when your smartphone breaks down? Well, smartphones weren't meant to last that long so it's bound to happen to your old Galaxy S5. That's because manufacturers want you to upgrade to their newest devices with more bells and whistles.

Chances are you're already seeing the effects of the deterioration of your Galaxy S5. You probably have to charge it twice a day to get moderate use out of it. The efficiency of the device has also decreased. You are using way more energy than you need to. It's time to upgrade this clunker.

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Your old Galaxy S5 is quite inefficient compared to the newer models. / © ANDROIDPIT

Reason 4: Your software is old

Do you have Android Marshmallow yet? Now Android N is incoming and you are so far behind the software times it's painful to endure. The Galaxy S6 and S7 already have Marshmallow. You're VHS when you should be all DVD.

Yes, Samsung Android updates come fairly slowly, but if you have an older Samsung device, expect to be well behind in software. The good thing is, there are better updates available with newer Android devices. Better yet, if you want to go crazy with software, you could get Nexus device and get all Android can offer.

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Your Galaxy S5's software is out of date. / © ANDROIDPIT

Reason 5: Your contract is up

It you have a Galaxy S5 then it's probably been two years now. Your contract has most likely expired or you are at least due for an upgrade at no extra cost. If that's so then there has never been a better time to get in there and upgrade your Galaxy S5. Sure, you could keep it and get a new contract. Maybe you'll save a couple of bucks. But upgrading is not that expensive when your contract stipulates it.

Doesn't it feel good to go in and get a new device. You won't pay much more, why not give in and get rid of that old Galaxy S5. Just imagine going into your provider and picking up a great new Android phone. You'll say goodbye to that plastic, unsightly device and hello to your new clear, crisp, fast, efficient smartphone.

Do you have any other reasons to upgrade your Galaxy S5? Let us know in the comments.

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Cory Schmidt

Cory Schmidt

A Minnesota native, Cory's background is in writing and editing. He received his BA from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities and his MA from the University of Kansas. He joined the Android community in 2009 and is excited to be contributing at AndroidPIT.

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  • Arshdeep Singh Saini 8
    Arshdeep Singh Saini Jul 18, 2016 Link to comment

    Marshmallow was more than enough a reason to not upgrade my S5, and not with Good Lock, it's even better than a nexus.

  • Dug Thompson 2
    Dug Thompson Jul 18, 2016 Link to comment

    WOW!!! This guy is EXACTLY whats wrong with the internet, pretty much anybody is allowed to write whatever they want. And then you get idiots like the author of this article that proves that just because you write articles for a site, doesnt prove that youre not a RAGING MORON!!! I was looking for ACTUAL reasons to upgrade from my S5 and the stuff this guy put out there is just drivel! Battery dying too fast? $10 on amazon. Phone getting sluggish? Factory reset it. The S6 is by no means an "improvement" to the S5 and the S7 is problematic for people like me who love root. I just cant believe the audacity of the idiot who wrote this article.....

    Arshdeep Singh Saini

  • Barney Frank 2
    Barney Frank Apr 16, 2016 Link to comment

    Where do they find these people? Get rid of a perfectly good S5 to go get an S6? There's a reason the S6 isn't selling and as far as the S7, there simply isn't enough noticeable improvement over the S5 especially now with Marshmallow. Dude must of purchased stock in the S7?

    Arshdeep Singh Saini

  • Nathan Conley 2
    Nathan Conley Apr 13, 2016 Link to comment

    Funny. I'm running marshmallow on my S5 (Sprint). I've had it for two weeks now. Love it.

    I'm considering an upgrade, but the phone doesn't stutter in general use. Has a very good camera, and a removable battery.

    Arshdeep Singh Saini

    • Dug Thompson 2
      Dug Thompson Jul 18, 2016 Link to comment

      my only issue with the S5 is the low light sensitivity of the camera. I own the S1, S2, S3 (2 S3s actually), S4 and 2 S5s and the S5 has the worst low light detection of all 5 iterations of the galaxy S devices ive used. Resolution is awesome, panoramas are sweet, root stuff is abundant and if you live in a place where sprint is as bad as it s where i live, you can domestic unlock it for use on all carriers. Im using one of my G900Ps (the model of the sprint S5) on AT&T via straight talk. has the unlock for $35 and it does work.

  • 2
    Marty Toomajian Apr 13, 2016 Link to comment

    I thought of another reason to sell my S5. Cory is buying them all up to sell at a profit on craigslist. So tell me Cory , what is the current bid for a pristine rooted Verizon S5 running Lollipop.

  • Ryan Locke 1
    Ryan Locke Apr 13, 2016 Link to comment

    Lol. Is Samsung owned by North or South Korea. I feel like I have no choice but to go get a new S7 or the supreme leader will be very very very disappointed.

    • 12
      Paco Inurreta Apr 13, 2016 Link to comment

      Samsung is from South Korea, the Supreme Leader is from North Korea.

  • Jeofrey Espelita 1
    Jeofrey Espelita Apr 13, 2016 Link to comment

    if you still have galaxy s3 and running cyanogenmod 13 your not missing much. I did however upgraded to S5 eventually, i bricked my s3 flashing mobile odin, my fault. Otherwise the only thing i see that is critical is newer camera or you are a gamer and expects better performance, then invest with the S7. Seems like technology has hit a plateau like modern PC.

  • 2
    Marty Toomajian Apr 13, 2016 Link to comment

    Those of us with Verizon as a carrier who also have rooted phones love our S5s. Verizon has tried to lock down the phones so that we cannot root them. I have a rooted debloated version of Lollipop on my S5 and hope that some enterprising genius will give me the option to use Marshmallow with root in the near future.

    Until then, I am happy with what I have. Using xposed modules to modify the S5 to my taste will trump all the new processors for some time to come. And if I do have to give up my S5 for a Verizon crippled phone that can't be rooted, it might be time to leave this very restrictive carrier.

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    Tim Martin Apr 13, 2016 Link to comment

    This article is bunch of garbage, these new phones is not much different from the last ones. There just have a updated Android software

    Arshdeep Singh Saini

  • Mike Brinker 5
    Mike Brinker Apr 12, 2016 Link to comment

    How about 5 reasons NOT to upgrade my Galaxy S5 :

    1. It has a removable battery. You can change the old battery easily and have awesome battery power all day just like a new phone!
    2. You are not on a contract and/or your S5 is paid off.
    3. The S5 will be getting the Android Marsmallow operating system update.
    4. There will always be the latest apps available for the S5. You don't need to worry about it becoming obsolete.
    5. If you don't like the look and feel of the Galaxy S5, then put a case on it and make it look like a new phone! An added bonus is that the S5 cases are really cheap now.

    Nathan ConleyFlávioMark G.Ryan LockeJerry's W.Victor Manea

  • Mark G. 28
    Mark G. Apr 12, 2016 Link to comment

    ABSOLUTELY RUBBISH! I have the excellent Samsung Galaxy S5 running Android 5.02. It's still running as good as the day I bought it. It runs slick and fast, doesn't crash or have forced closes.

    You say that the S6 is better, it may be that it has better specs but to say that it's design is better is not true. The excellent S5 has removable battery and SD card is water resistant and dust resistant the S6 has neither.

    This I would say was a huge let down for the S6. Why would I upgrade to a poorer designed phone?

    When I upgrade (which going by the performance of the excellent S5 will be next year) I will want a considerable improvement so the S7 or the S8 will be my choice, definitely won't be the S6.

    My battery life is excellent, Software is excellent, design is excellent the Samsung Galaxy S5 is EXCELLENT!

    Peace ✌

    Mike BrinkerDeactivated AccountTim MartinJerry's W.Victor ManeaHammad RArshdeep Singh Saini

    • 2
      alison casey Apr 13, 2016 Link to comment

      Right on bro. Exact same reasons I chose to stay with the Samsung Galaxy 5 instead of getting the Galaxy 6. The battery is not removable and the water and dust resistant SD card are not found in the Galaxy 6. Good call!!!

      Mark G.

  • Arshdeep Singh Saini 8
    Arshdeep Singh Saini Apr 12, 2016 Link to comment

    If I had a Google Nexus of the same age, I would be running Android N and it would have at least 2-3 years of life left in it. Every year, the new Samsung flagship has superior specs than that of a Nexus, and still it is treated like this. The S4, S3 both still have potential to run the latest version of Android. It's Samsung's fault these devices have such a short life. The truth is that Samsung could have released the marshmallow update weeks after its release, but they didn't, because they use each new version of Android as bait for its new devices. Apart from the design and software, there's nothing major that can differentiate my S5 from the S7. I don't care which processor I have, as long as it runs smooth. The camera is still great. The display is awesome. If it had the same software as that of the S7's, this article wouldn't exist. It's all Samsung's strategy, one that's as old as dirt.

    Mark G.

  • Paolo 17
    Paolo Apr 12, 2016 Link to comment

    Removable and Hot Swappable battery All Day, Every Day. Just saying.

    Batteries DIE within two or three years, and a "Your contract is up" excuse to swap is the dumbest thing I ever heard. A phone with extensibility and replaceable components can last longer than non replaceable phones.

    How would YOU like it if you bought a Toyota Corolla but that had an expiration date of 3 to 5 years, then after that it's no longer driveable? With the same "disposable" mindset folks buying phones have? You paid for it with your cash and you'd feel insulted, why shouldn't you with your phone?

    Nathan ConleyDaryl StephensVictor ManeaMark G.Arshdeep Singh Saini

    • 2
      alison casey Apr 13, 2016 Link to comment

      Damn good point you have there!

  • Pavlos Hadj 3
    Pavlos Hadj Apr 12, 2016 Link to comment

    No no no guys, i have to strongly disagree with you. Put in a new battery, maybe a new back cover and the phone is perfect.
    Hardware is still good enough for most tasks. 2 gb of ram will not be a problem for normal to advanced use. Marshmallow has not even been released yet and it's gonna give new breath to the s5.
    Do you believe what you say or trying to promote new samsungs devices?
    No offence, just wondering..

    Mike BrinkerJerry's W.Victor ManeaMark G.Arshdeep Singh Saini

  • JoanMartin 2
    JoanMartin Apr 12, 2016 Link to comment

    Copy cat

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