just a little if story:
IF I Couldnt use microSDs but only rely at cloud storage (no matter how large it is, I had one problem.
I am a person who likes watching videos in the bus, train, during apprenticeship, shortly, almost everywhere.
But I have one problem when going across the Cloud. my HOME Internet has already horrible download speeds
(well no so horrible but sill annoying, example: a 300MB file takes depending on the situation mostly about an hour [just a note: most of my anime Episodes{approx. 20-25 minutes} have about 350MB or more] upload speed is about 1/10 of that)
Upload is REALLY Awful (as said above it's 1/10 of my DL speed resulting in a 300MB file taking up to 10 hours [given a resonable and file size we have a photo from an 8MP Smartphone which is about 2MB, that would take full four minutes each])
and not to forget that we dont have an unlimited data plan for normal users anymore, the unlimited data plans are most probably for business customers and cost quite some money. my plan has 200MB highspeed data which means I can watch 15 minutes of Video and then we have it.
my 64GB microSD is one of the greatest blessings my Note 2 can have (and my other highly used androids have 32GB mSDs
It is completely unreasonable to want the users to move to clouds just by taking out the SD Slot out of the Nexus devices. and even in that case, OTG Adapter and we have it.
I can not say I dont use the cloud, honestly first thing my phone does when it is in WLAN is uploading my pics and screenshots to dropbox (sometimes completely jamming my internet for hours in proccess, espacially during my last berlin trip where I took 328MB worth of pics meaning my internet was jammd for ten hours and after that Play store updated my apps), that has the obvious advantage that the screenshots I need to the forums I can just link and dont have to transfer everything 20 times and such.
in the end, Clouds are something for people with a) a good home internet (like VDSL) and b) unlimited data plans.
— modified on Sep 21, 2013, 12:27:34 AM