- Forum posts: 4
Apr 20, 2014, 10:09:40 PM via Website
Apr 20, 2014 10:09:40 PM via Website
Hi there I've recently been having some issues with my lg optimus G battery unplugged with the battery at 100% left overnight with mobile data and sync off when I get up in the morning the phone will run down 50 to 60% when I go into the battery summary it shows that android os and media server is chewing through half or more of the battery in 8 hours again with everything turned off I don't put it in airplane mode because it's a work phone and I need to respond to emergencies the only recent change to the phone is I installed dragon mobile assistant other then that I haven't made any other changes I'm aware of and I uninstalled dragon and it's still draining any ideas? Btw if I leave the house in the morning with a full charge it will last all day with about 2 hours of voice calls texts emails and still have 40 to 50% left. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks BD.