How can I create a photo editing app on android studio?

  • Replies:7
super Mint
  • Forum posts: 4

Aug 12, 2015, 6:43:46 PM via Website

How can I create a photo-editing app on android studio? I can't found any code for that. I'm new with android studio!

Richard Lake
  • Forum posts: 1

Mar 17, 2016, 2:11:25 PM via Website

If you want to develop a good quality photo editing app. First of all, we could recommend you to look at the most popular applications in this segment (like Aviary or Instagram) and pay attention, what they offer to users.
After that, you need to decide which features are essential for your application, and which of them can be skipped. The list of main features could be:
1. uploading photos (upload from the gallery of the device or take a photo with your camera directly app);
2. editing photos (make a unique set of tools),
3. saving photos
4. registration,
5. shop
Money and time estimation
We can conclude it takes about 836 – 1370 hour to develop an app (like Aviary). And if we multiply this result by $50 (average cost for an hour of developing) we get that this kind of app startup costs $41,800 – $68,500.

AnthonyLeeDeactivated Account

  • Forum posts: 8

Apr 25, 2016, 5:18:11 PM via Website

It's difficult to develop a photo-editing app if you are new to Android development. You should start with simpler apps and then go for such an app. I'd recommend you starting with a simple wallpaper app. Once you got it working, try to add basic photo editing within that app. Basic photo editing is easy on android. just google it

  • Forum posts: 2

Feb 13, 2019, 11:55:05 AM via Website

If you are new in Android studio then, first of all, learn basic things and features of an android studio and then start to develop simple and first level photo editor or wallpaper editor app. Watch the online video about how to make a photo editor app in Android.

  • Forum posts: 8

Sep 10, 2020, 4:35:46 PM via Website

I think that if you do not have the knowledge and experience, then you should think about hiring some kind of specialist, if this option is not suitable, then you need to study the technology on which you would like to create such an application and learn everything about video editing applications, for example in the Cleveroad article is written well, most likely you do not know which applications are liked by the majority of people, so you can create a thread on Reddit, I think everyone will be happy to answer you)


  • Forum posts: 11

Dec 23, 2020, 3:40:41 PM via Website

My brother is software engineer and he says it's a little bit difficult for the beginner but I think you have to try.

  • Forum posts: 10

Mar 31, 2023, 12:16:26 AM via Website

Creating a photo editing app on Android Studio requires knowledge of programming and experience with the Android development framework. Here are some general steps to create a photo editing app on Android Studio:

Choose a photo editing library: There are several open-source photo editing libraries available that you can use to build your app. Examples include OpenCV, GPUImage, and Fotoapparat. Research and choose a library that fits your needs.

Set up Android Studio: Download and install Android Studio, the official development environment for Android app development.

Create a new Android Studio project: Open Android Studio and create a new project. Choose the appropriate settings, such as the minimum Android SDK version and the project name.

Add the photo editing library: Add the chosen photo editing library to your project. This may require adding dependencies and configurations to your project's build.gradle files.

Design the app interface: Design the app's interface using XML layout files. Use Android Studio's layout editor to create buttons, menus, and other user interface elements.

Implement the photo editing features: Use the photo editing library's API to implement the desired features, such as cropping, resizing, filtering, and color correction.

Test the app: Run the app on an emulator or a physical device to test its functionality and user experience.

  • Forum posts: 125

Apr 3, 2023, 9:01:13 AM via Website

I want to show you several resources available to help you create your photo editing app on Android Studio. These resources include the PhotoEditor SDK, video tutorials on YouTube, and tutorials on Android Authority.
