- Forum posts: 1
Jun 7, 2016, 10:56:26 PM via Website
Jun 7, 2016 10:56:26 PM via Website
Hi, I made an app about incoming UEFA Euro. I was always arguing about past tournaments. Who won, what was the score and so on. So I made an easy application where is complete history since 1960 within few taps. It is my very first app. It tooks me about year to do it. I was makeing the app only in my spare time while going to normal work. My fiancée was helping me. I tried to make it work on almost every device and almost every screen size without crashing or bad viewing. Diny the Dinosaur on my icon is the mascot of my app.
id of my app on google play is: football.history.of.euro
Or you can search it by name: Euro UEFA history stats