- Forum posts: 4
Nov 16, 2017, 2:35:21 AM via Website
Nov 16, 2017 2:35:21 AM via Website
I used to have a custom Android ROM running on my xiami redmi 2 phone:
Lineage OS 14.1 Nougat. I can't remember what version of whatsapp I
had, but I suppose it was the most recent when my phone suddenly died
on the 17th of August 2017.
Due to various reasons I've been without smartphone ever since (3
months). Today I purchased a BQ Aquaris M4.5 with Android Marshmallow
running on it. I've installed whatsapp from the play store (version
2.17.395) and have restored my messages from a backup made on the 11th
of August. The very moment I've done so I have been removed from all
the groups in which I was. No private message has been downloaded from
the server either. I thought that it was because, since I am now on
Marshmallow, I might be using a previous version from the one I had
when my old phoned crashed, and have installed the latest version
(2.17.417) but to no avail.
¿Is it there a way to download all the messages sent to me in this
interim, and to make me rejoin all the groups in which I used to be?