- Forum posts: 2
Jan 18, 2018, 8:55:32 PM via Website
Jan 18, 2018 8:55:32 PM via Website
Recently got an LG Rebel 2 with Android 6.0.1 and was having issues with the pre-installed apps, mainly the messaging app and voicemail app.
Could not receive text messages, could not access voicemail or receive notifications using app. Voicemail was functional and still accessible by dialing *86
The problem seems to be related to an advanced calling feature in the software, the HD calling. When that is turned on, my message and voicemail apps do not work. When it is turned off, everything seems to work as it should.
Only had this phone and operating system for 3 days, so I am still in the process of learning the features and known issues with the system.