![dg studio](https://fs.npstatic.com/user/77/40/537740-w65h70.png)
- Forum posts: 245
Jul 2, 2020, 1:30:32 PM via Website
Jul 2, 2020 1:30:32 PM via Website
'Escape Prison: Ghost' is a point and click adventure game with a scary experience that takes place inside a scary locked ghost castle. The game has a lot of puzzles that will give you hours of gameplay until you beat it. Your goal is to escape the scary locked ghost castle !!!!
* Awesome graphics and difficult puzzles
* Quick to learn, with hours of fun challenges
* Eye-catching and scary gameplay
* Ghosts and many more scary enemies!
* Hidden objects, locks & keys and more challenges await
* Easy and fun to play, but a challenge to fully master
Are you ready? We’ll see it!. Good luck and have fun!
Google Play:
Download from Google Play
— modified on Jul 2, 2020, 1:32:26 PM