Query about editing a deleted message

  • Replies:2
  • Forum posts: 1

Aug 16, 2023, 4:53:01 PM via Website

If I send somebody a message in 1 on 1 chat on WhatsApp and it is read then it receives two blue ticks.

If I edit it, it receives two grey ticks again. If the recipient deletes this message after reading it but before I edited it, will the messages remain with two grey ticks on my screen forever?

Therefore, if a message that I edited has two grey ticks in a conversation, but subsequent messages that I have sent have two blue ticks, can I necessarily conclude that this message has been deleted by the other party?

Thanks for your help!

  • Forum posts: 1

Oct 10, 2024, 6:31:09 AM via Website

If the recipient reads your message (two blue ticks) and then deletes it before you edit it, you'll still see the two blue ticks. If you edit the message after it's been deleted on their end, the ticks will reset to two grey ticks on your screen. However, this doesn't confirm that the message was deleted, just that the edit hasn't been read yet. However, there are many 3rd party apps available which you may consider to check this

  • Forum posts: 25

Oct 14, 2024, 6:59:55 AM via Website

When you edit a WhatsApp message, it resets to grey ticks. If the recipient deletes it after reading, the ticks remain grey, but this doesn't necessarily confirm deletion—it may not have been re-read.
