- Forum posts: 1
Aug 6, 2024, 12:05:43 PM via Website
Aug 6, 2024 12:05:43 PM via Website
I have been using WhatsApp on an iPhone XS Max running 17.6 until it was flooded with water and delivered to workshop for repair.
During the repair time I switched to WhatsApp on Samsung S10+ running Android 12. After the iPhone got repaired I switched back WhatApp on iOS.
In the result, to date the iOS WhatsApp has all the chats with a certain time gap and the Android WhatsApp have the messages to fill the gap.
The task now is to fill the gap at the iOS WhatsApp with messages and conteте from the Android WhatsApp.
Can you share you experience in merging WhatsApp chats between Android and iOS, please?
WhatsApp team explicitly states: "You can’t merge new chats from your new phone and old chats from your old phone.", so they will not help.
Thank you.