Deleted for everyone question

  • Replies:2
  • Forum posts: 2

Dec 11, 2024, 5:37:24 AM via Website

If I delete for everyone can others see the messages I’ve deleted from a previous backup?

Hey guys!

Just looking for a bit of help here, I deleted a message (for everyone) within the 48 hours but just at the end.

Let’s say the recipient backed up after 24 hours and rolled back to that backup, would they still see the messages I’ve deleted or would it continue to just say “this message has been deleted?”

  • Forum posts: 25

Dec 23, 2024, 10:29:36 AM via Website

Have you ever wondered what happens to a message when you hit 'Delete for everyone' in a chat? Let's break it down. Short answer? It's gone for good.

  • When you choose to delete a message for everyone, it disappears from the conversation—that's right, from everyone's screen.

  • Do you think you can outsmart the system with a backup? Not so fast. Even if someone saved their chat history before the message vanished, it won't reappear. It's like it never existed.

  • Instead, you'll see a note saying the message was "deleted." That's your cue that something was there, but now it's a mystery.

Imagine you're playing hide-and-seek with your messages. Once you delete one for everyone, it's like it found the best hiding spot ever—no one will see it again!

  • Forum posts: 2

Dec 23, 2024, 11:55:16 AM via Website

So there’s no way at all?

How does that work; I’m interested in how that functions?
