Resubs - Your Subscription Manager

  • Replies:1
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  • Forum posts: 185

Dec 12, 2024, 4:52:13 PM via Website

Hello Android Community,

I frequently struggled with losing track of my subscriptions and often had no idea how much I was spending on them. This is why I developed the ReSubs app.

With this app, you have control over your paid subscriptions like Netflix, Disney+ and Amazon Prime. With just a few clicks, you can add all your services to get an overview. Once your subscriptions are added, ReSubs notifies you before a new billing cycle begins. This way, you won't pay for unused subscriptions anymore :)

Additionally, you can analyze your expenses using charts that break down your subscription costs by category, time period, and service provider.

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Moviebase Developer:

  • Forum posts: 185

Feb 11, 2025, 6:20:33 PM via Website

ReSubs 1.5.3 has been released 🎉

- New horizontal filter toolbar
- All subscriptions have a category
- Add a 2nd reminder
- Filter suspended subscriptions
- 20+ new subscriptions with logos
- Fixed a wrong price summary on all subscriptions
- Full support of different billing cycles (e.g. 2 weeks, 6 months)
- Translations in 10+ languages

Moviebase Developer:
