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Free instead of $1.99: Free mobile game turns off your brain

Missile Dude
© Lukmanazis /

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You can currently download Missile Dude RPG for free from Google Play and the Apple App Store. The game for Android and iOS is wonderfully blunt and actually has more to do with shooting than with RPG-ing. This is our free app of the day for you.


  • Missile Dude RPG normally costs $1.99.
  • 4.6 stars on Google Play, 4.9 stars on the Apple App Store.
  • Offers in-app purchases.

Blunt is blunt! That could be the motto for the game we're bringing to your attention here today. Missile Dude RPG is indeed a very plain, but somehow still entertaining rocket-baller. We introduce you to the game, which has very little to do with an RPG and is currently available for free instead of $1.99.

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See offers from $10 to $50

Why is Missile Dude RPG worth downloading?

Honestly? I don't know! First of all, say goodbye to the idea that it's a role-playing game just because "Dude Soft" teases it that way. Instead, it's a game where you'll understand what you're supposed to do after two seconds: Fire from all guns! You don't have to move, you don't have to aim, just bluntly shoot!

As you can see in the video below, you position yourself on the left side, from the right come the hordes of enemies. By tapping on the screen you fire your missiles at the demons - the faster you tap, the better!

As the game progresses, you can upgrade your arsenal of weapons, upgrade your rocket launchers, open up new areas and, of course, hire troops. They will then support you to the best of their abilities and also help you with the respective bosses. Good thing, because at the latest with them you have to tap so fast on the screen that your thumbs change color.

So why should you install the game? A few days ago, my colleague Zois aptly wrote in his app recommendation: "The game doesn't promise much, but it delivers." That's exactly how it is here. You understand the game mechanics after two seconds, after 20 seconds you wonder how super boring this is and after a minute you think to yourself: "Come on, one more level".

Nearly 46,000 reviews bump the game up to a 4.6 star rating with over a million downloads. The iOS version even brings it to 4.9 stars with 2,900 reviews! So it's one of those games that's perfectly suitable for killing a little time in between.

Does Missile Dude RPG respect your privacy?

Looking at the privacy checker Exodus for Android shows us that 6 trackers are detected and nine permissions are requested. Sounds like a lot but, there's nothing in there to complain about. The fact that the privacy policy is only available in Chinese doesn't help, though.

With in-app purchases, you can spend up to $89.99 at a time. But so far (the first 30 or so levels) I didn't feel you needed to do that to get through the game.

So now question to you: Can you get excited about such unquestionably dull pastimes? If yes: Fire away! If not, feel free to let us know what genres you'd like us to keep our eyes open for in our app recommendations.

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Carsten Drees

Carsten Drees
Senior Editor

I started blogging in 2008 and have written for Mobilegeeks, Stadt Bremerhaven, Basic Thinking and Dr. Windows. I've been at NextPit since 2021, where I also discovered my passion for podcasts. I have been particularly interested in Android phones for many years now, and would like to get involved with the highly exciting smart home market. LEt's see, did I miss anything else? Oh yes, I love Depeche Mode and suffer with Schalke 04.

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