Worried about being made redundant by advanced AI? We're always more likely to work together, because we 'think' in different ways. Here's what that means.
Strategy Robot, a startup founded by the Libratus project lead, has sealed a $10 million contract to bring its poker-playing AI technology to the US Army.
Everyone is familiar with the Big Mouth Billy Bass, a kind of rubber fish that moves on its board and sings. Everything being possible in technology, it is now equipped with Amazon's Alexa.
AI is often seen as either Skynet in the making or as a force that will change our lives for the better. Yet, artificial intelligence, like any other technology has found unusual applications in industries you would not expect. This is why we present you our list containing 5 of the weirdest ways AI has been put to use.
Artificial intelligence has incredible virtues but like any technology, it can be diverted to very dark ends. Still too little known, the potential of AI in warfare is considerable and is beginning to cause serious concern.
The technology that makes your home smart has never developed as much as it does today. Just think that, in 2018 alone, the smart home market produces profits of 23.5 million dollars. So why not build more smart homes?
One clear trend at this year's biggest technology fairs was artificial intelligence, which is being used more and more in smartphones. Sometimes this is a marketing gimmick and sometimes it offers real benefits. Take a look at our list of the smartest smartphones out there!
Artificial intelligence is the key technology of the 21st century and has an ever increasing impact on all areas of life. But the AI is not only a lifesaver and practical assistant, it also has the potential to plunge humanity into ruin. So which is it? Beauty or the beast?
If you've so much as glanced at tech media, you know that AI will be on everything in the future, largely thanks to advances in machine learning. But why is so much effort and money spent on making AI good at video games? Here's how play will make our future machines smarter, and even possibly more human.
AI, once the stuff of science fiction and experimental research, is increasingly making its mark upon the consumer world, from intelligent software to virtual assistants and even in our faithful smartphones. As we trust more and more important tasks to AI, are we in danger letting go of the idea of personal responsibility?
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