Watching the Google Music announcement event last night, one question kept running through my head–will I have access to Google's new cloud-based music ...
Company customer service polls have a way of bringing out the anarchist in folks. A few months ago, every seemingly harmless Motorola customer service ...
iPhone 4S vs. the Galaxy Nexus: It's the smartphone smackdown of the year. So much ink has been poured over these two devices in the past that it's ...
Most crime are commited by folks who know the victim personally. So when it comes to the "Face Unlock" feature on the Galaxy Nexus, we think there's ...
So, Sprint has finally announced their holiday lineup and – as expected – the Galaxy Nexus is nowhere to be found. In fact, there's only one new phone ...
The hottest rumor marking the rounds yesterday was that Android fans could expect to see Big Red releasing the coveted Galaxy Nexus on November 24th. ...
With all the fuss over the Galaxy Nexus, a few other soon-to-be-released phones seem to have slipped through the cracks. One of these models is the ...
The numbers are in and they're insane: according to research by the Canalys firm, HTC shipped 5.7 million smartphones in just one quarter(!) All told, ...
(Picture: The Droid Guy)
A new Verizon internal document has confirmed a rumored November 10th launch date fro the Motorola Droid RAZR and points to a ...
Say all you want about the lack of inventiveness of the iPhone 4S; at least, at product launch, we knew a few basic things about the phone. Like, for ...
Here at AndroidPIT, we're lucky to have some very well-connected users. One by the name of Stefan T. had the good fortune of getting his hands on a ...
One of the Galaxy Nexus's claims to fame is its fast shutter reaction times, allowing users to take multiple photos in rapid succession. It may seem a ...
They're two of the most talked-about smartphones soon-to-be-released: the stlyus-enabled Galaxy Note tablet phone and Google's first Android Ice Cream ...
As of yesterday, the official page for the Galaxy Nexus has gone live on Verizon's site, confirming that Big Red will be the first carrier to offer the ...
Okay, this is getting ridiculous. Google has long admitted that they want to catalogue all the worlds information like some manic OCD librarian and you ...
The "slide to unlock" feature Apple unveiled in 2007, which Android manufacturers replicated to a certain degree, has now been patented by Apple as of ...
HTC has confirmed the list of phones that will receive the update to Ice Cream Sandwich: Sensation XL/XE, EVO 3D, Incredible S, Desire HD/Z/S, Flyer, Rhyme, Salsa.
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