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Poll of the week: New iPhones! Which one will you buy?

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NextPit wanted to know what your purchase intentions are following the launch of the iPhone 13 range. Are you planning to buy, and which model are you going for? Read here how the international NextPit community answered these questions.

Since last Friday, the Apple iPhone 13 and its new siblings are available for pre-order internationally. As usual, we counted the votes in Germany, France, Brazil and on the .com domain (mainly readers from India and the USA) - 1,841 votes were received in total.

The picture is not entirely uniform, which is also due to the special conditions in Brazil: Nowhere in the world is the iPhone more expensive than there, the Apple phone costs almost twice as much there as in the U.S. But let's dive into the analysis now.

Are you buying one of the new iPhone models?

As we said, the situation in Brazil is a difficult one if you want to buy an iPhone. This was evident in our first question about whether you're going to buy a new iPhone. First, take a look at the chart here:

Poll of the week iphone 13
Only 7 percent of our Brazilian community wants to get one of the new iPhones / © NextPit

The vote was correspondingly clear: Only 7% there plan to purchase one of the new models. The other three domains (COM 22%, DE 28%, FR 31% were significantly higher and all very close together. Sure, the overwhelming majorities voted "no", but when one in four or five say they're getting one of the new devices in a poll like this, it's huge.

Cido from Brazil comments and also refers to the outrageous prices there:

Check out... I don't think iPhone is a bad device, I never had one... But the prices in Brazil are unbelievable.
That is, we pay more than R$ 10,000 (10,000 BRL = 1,615 euros) for a device that you use 90% for social networks ...

Which iPhone model will you buy?

I was most curious about the second question. There, we wanted to know which model your heart beats for, and we also took into account older models that you can still officially purchase.

I found it interesting that the base model iPhone 13 is the least exciting of the newcomers for you. Only three percent in Germany (FR 5%, COM 7%, COM.BR 0%) indicated that they would choose the iPhone 13. The most popular models are the Pro models: A whopping 33% of the German Next community will opt for a Pro or Pro Max, in France and on the .com domain it looks quite similar with 28% each.

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The current interest in older iPhones is extremely manageable / © NextPit

There is a tendency for even the iPhone 13 mini to be hipper, possibly because it is the only compact new iPhone. Very few people are currently interested in the predecessors from the iPhone 12 series or even older. Only Brazil had a total of 14% of respondents interested in an older model, while in the other domains the totals from all older models were below ten percent.

Again, we'd like to quote a user, this time from France. Nico_du_13 could have definitely seen himself going for the iPhone 13 mini, but worries too much about battery life:

Hi. I voted for the iPhone 13. I would have been interested in the mini in terms of size. But I worry that the battery life is too short despite a bigger battery.

I'm not interested in the pro version. First, I don't want to spend more than €1000 on a smartphone (the 13 "base" is already quite expensive). And secondly, the 13 already has enough features for my purposes.

When will you buy a new iPhone?

The last question dealt with the timing of the planned iPhone purchase. Do you go for it on day one or do you wait for the prices to come down? There's often, of course, that inner urge to hit the "buy" button right away. Under another post (on our recent podcast episode) I found a very sympathetic comment that sums up the drama nicely. Thanks to deltakula for this post:

Believe me. I've been wrestling with myself. No. No new iPhone for you this year. The old 12 is still good. You don't need a replacement. As of 2:00 p.m. yesterday, I was putting up heroic resistance. I hid the mouse. Turned off the Wi-Fi. Deleted the Amazon password. I resisted the urge as long as I could. I really did. The order went out at 14.04.

Same crap every year. :-(

You see: Sometimes you don't even want to, but you've obviously succumbed to Apple's fascination - and right on the first day of sale. Again, Brazil inevitably falls out of the frame. Here's our rundown of your votes:

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Outside of Brazil, 12-15 percent pre-ordered on the first day / © NextPit

Both in France (15%), Germany (12%) and on the .com side (14%), a really amazing number of you have already pre-ordered your new model on the first day. I'm pretty sure we shouldn't expect a survey like this for any other manufacturer with even close to a similar figure.

It was also very interesting to see that 26 percent in Brazil said that they are waiting for the next generation, i.e. the iPhone 14. This figure was also very high in France (19%) and Germany (20%), with only the .com domain lagging behind with 5%.

We would like to thank you for your participation and your comments. This week on Friday we have planned another survey for you - so look forward to the next topic.

Original article

Since today, the new iPhones can be pre-ordered. That's why our survey is about the Apple iPhone 13 and its variants. We want to know if you will treat yourself to a new model and if so, which one.

At the end of a wild tech week with iPhone launch naturally stands out. As of today, the Apple iPhone 13, iPhone 13 mini, iPhone 13 Pro, and iPhone 13 Pro Max are available for purchase or pre-order. As a long-time Android user, I always look with some fascination at the iPhone fans who jump right into the fray and let their credit cards glow.

That's exactly why I want to ask you - or the iPhone faction in the NextPit community - a few questions about your purchase intentions in our poll of the week. So let's not beat around the bush, here we go!

Will you be buying a new iPhone?

To warm up, I'd like to ask a simple yes/no question that explicitly targets the four new models. I want to know if you're so excited about the new features that you're going to buy one of the iPhone 13 series.

Are you going to buy one of the new iPhone models?
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Which iPhone will you buy?

When a new iPhone is introduced, it doesn't necessarily mean that everyone is just scrambling for the latest models. People often take the opportunity to buy one of the cheaper predecessors. For that reason, when I ask you which explicit model you have in mind, I also consider older devices.

So please tell me now in which direction the iPhone pendulum swings for you. I'm taking into account all models that you can currently get officially on the Apple website. Besides the four new smartphones, there are the iPhone 12, the iPhone 12 mini, the iPhone 11 and the iPhone SE (2020). You're also sure to stumble across the iPhone 12 Pro or iPhone 12 Pro Max or other older models in some stores. I won't explicitly list those in my question, though.

Which iPhone model will you buy?
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When are you going to get a new iPhone?

"I don't understand the question", I'm sure some of you are thinking. Sure, when Apple gives the starting signal, a lot of users jump straight to the new iPhones. But enough of you do it differently and wait for the prices to drop. Therefore, I now address my last question to you today: When will you buy?

When are you going to buy a new iPhone?
View results

That's it for today, dear NextPit community. Feel free to explain your purchase decisions in the comments, or share your other thoughts on the topic. Thank you so much for participating in this week's poll! As always, we'll have our analysis next Monday with the results of all four NextPit domains.

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Carsten Drees

Carsten Drees
Senior Editor

I started blogging in 2008 and have written for Mobilegeeks, Stadt Bremerhaven, Basic Thinking and Dr. Windows. I've been at NextPit since 2021, where I also discovered my passion for podcasts. I have been particularly interested in Android phones for many years now, and would like to get involved with the highly exciting smart home market. LEt's see, did I miss anything else? Oh yes, I love Depeche Mode and suffer with Schalke 04.

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