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Stephan Serowy upvoted this comment Jan 26, 2015 Galaxy Note 4 vs. Xiaomi Mi Note Pro: Wird Samsung entthront? (+50 Points)
Deactivated Account upvoted this comment Jan 26, 2015 Galaxy Note 4 vs. Xiaomi Mi Note Pro: Wird Samsung entthront? (+50 Points)
tante paul upvoted this comment Jan 26, 2015 Galaxy Note 4 vs. Xiaomi Mi Note Pro: Wird Samsung entthront? (+50 Points)
Sergen Ek upvoted this comment Jan 26, 2015 Bye bye, Play Edition: Google stoppt die puren Android-Smartphones (+50 Points)
Deactivated Account upvoted this comment Jan 23, 2015 Bye bye, Play Edition: Google stoppt die puren Android-Smartphones (+50 Points)
Martin upvoted this comment Jan 23, 2015 Bye bye, Play Edition: Google stoppt die puren Android-Smartphones (+50 Points)
Luten R. upvoted this comment Jan 23, 2015 Bye bye, Play Edition: Google stoppt die puren Android-Smartphones (+50 Points)
Hans M. upvoted this comment Jan 23, 2015 Bye bye, Play Edition: Google stoppt die puren Android-Smartphones (+50 Points)
Milestone 2 upvoted this comment Jan 22, 2015 Bye bye, Play Edition: Google stoppt die puren Android-Smartphones (+50 Points)
Deactivated Account upvoted this comment Jan 22, 2015 Bye bye, Play Edition: Google stoppt die puren Android-Smartphones (+50 Points)