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Babb upvoted this comment May 29, 2022 Vergleich: Welche Garmin-Smartwatch ist die beste Uhr für Euch? (+50 Points)
Deactivated Account upvoted this comment May 27, 2022 Garmin Fenix 7 im Test: Outdoor-Smartwatch ohne Kompromisse (+50 Points)
Deactivated Account upvoted this comment May 27, 2022 Garmin Fenix 7 im Test: Outdoor-Smartwatch ohne Kompromisse (+50 Points)
Michael K. upvoted this comment May 25, 2022 Neues RAZR und 200 Megapixel: Motorola teasert neue Handys an (+50 Points)
Christoph B. upvoted this comment May 25, 2022 Garmin Fenix 7 im Test: Outdoor-Smartwatch ohne Kompromisse (+50 Points)
Matthias upvoted this comment May 24, 2022 Garmin Fenix 7 im Test: Outdoor-Smartwatch ohne Kompromisse (+50 Points)
Christoph B. upvoted this comment May 24, 2022 Garmin Fenix 7 im Test: Outdoor-Smartwatch ohne Kompromisse (+50 Points)
Stefan Möllenhoff upvoted this comment May 24, 2022 Garmin Fenix 7 im Test: Outdoor-Smartwatch ohne Kompromisse (+50 Points)
Hans Schönenberger upvoted this comment May 23, 2022 Garmin Fenix 7 im Test: Outdoor-Smartwatch ohne Kompromisse (+50 Points)
Tim upvoted this comment May 18, 2022 Apple Watch 8 könnte drastisches Design-Update erhalten (+50 Points)