Uploading APK - files is invalid: 5

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Asamm Software
  • Forum posts: 17

Jul 4, 2014, 6:29:30 PM via Website

Good day,

I'm trying to upload new version of applications Locus Free/Locus Pro.

Both APK files are correctly uploaded and published over Google Play. But every attempt with upload on your server, ends with message in title - APK files is invalid: 5

May you please explain to me, what means this error message and what may I do to fix this problem? Because many users complain on inability to update, this question is really important, so I hope for early response.

Thank you!

Asamm Software
  • Forum posts: 17

Jul 7, 2014, 8:43:02 AM via Website

Because this is really serious issue, may someone from Android PIT dev team give me explanation what error 5 means?

We are receiving many complains, from users that want's updated Locus application and due to this, we are unable to upload new version!!

Thank you

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Jul 7, 2014, 8:48:18 AM via Website

Well, @Asamm Software I am so sorry for the inconvenience you have ... :( And worst part your thread goes unseen, anyway I have alerted the admins about the issue they may get back you you after a while in the mean time feel free to chill out over our forum !! :)

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Asamm Software
  • Forum posts: 17

Jul 7, 2014, 8:53:21 AM via Website

Thank you!

We reported this issue in Friday evening, so I understand it may be simply missed ....

Scott Adam Gordon
  • Forum posts: 445

Jul 7, 2014, 12:19:35 PM via Website

Asamm Software

Thank you!

We reported this issue in Friday evening, so I understand it may be simply missed ....

Hey, sorry to hear you're having trouble with this. I've informed the tech team and they're looking into it :)

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Jul 7, 2014, 4:56:56 PM via Website

Just for internal reference: the ticket number is APWEB-2430

Please ignore this :-)


— modified on Jul 17, 2014, 4:23:57 PM

  • Forum posts: 7

Jul 9, 2014, 4:05:21 PM via App

Always update problem with AndroiPit :-(
How long?

Asamm Software
  • Forum posts: 17

Jul 10, 2014, 10:32:27 AM via Website

Good day,

is there any progress? Since I posted this question, we already published version with critical fixes and again same - same apk file uploaded on Google Play without problems, here error :5.

So may you tell me what is wrong? What means error 5 because I'm unable to find any explanation.

Thank you and please, make your response faster, because it's not just my problem. It gives bad shine also on you.

Scott Adam Gordon
  • Forum posts: 445

Jul 10, 2014, 3:56:12 PM via Website

Hey guys the developers are aware of this, try to be patient. I know it's a frustrating issue - I'll let you know as soon as I get more information!

  • Forum posts: 7

Jul 11, 2014, 9:11:34 AM via App

One week and nothing? I'm going to buy Locus Pro again on Google Play. And uninstall AndrioPit :-(

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Jul 11, 2014, 9:14:10 AM via Website

Hey A.P, I am sorry if you have encounter any issue, like @Scott said our developers are working hard over(whew) it, trust me on this its going to be fixed soon ! (angel)

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Jul 13, 2014, 5:13:37 PM via Website

What does it mean soon? One more week, month :( ? I do not want to be rude, but I'm interested it.... ;)
Thank you.

Asamm Software
  • Forum posts: 17

Jul 16, 2014, 8:40:21 AM via Website

Good day,

I'm worried that you are serious.

Is there possibility to get information, what means "Error 5"? Thank you!


I'll also have one more question/task on you. Because app Locus Pro already purchased quite a lot of people (over AppCenter) we don't want to completely remove it from AndroidPIT. But because we are not very satisfied with your services for last year, we want to completely stop sell over AndroidPIT, but wants remain publishing updates (if it will be ever possible again!!!).

Is this possible? Thank you


— modified on Jul 16, 2014, 4:35:06 PM

  • Forum posts: 7

Jul 16, 2014, 3:24:54 PM via Website

Is there anyone from AndroidPitt with answers????

Deactivated Account
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Jul 16, 2014, 9:52:40 PM via Website

I'm really disappointed about the service of AndroidPit. Two weeks without any valuable answer (thinking)...
I'm also thinking about leaving this store and buying Locus again at Google PlayStore.

Deactivated Account
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Jul 17, 2014, 8:06:27 AM via Website

Please solve this issue. I have to update my Locus Pro and do not like to buy it again on Google PlayStore.

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Jul 17, 2014, 8:12:03 AM via Website

@Alexander, @Elmar, @A.P, @Asamm Software, I am aware that you are having problems with :( but we are working hard on it !
Please keep patience by the time our developers fix this one out !

Forum Rules - Recommended for new AndroidPIT members! / Important to all community members: please read before posting

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Jul 17, 2014, 4:29:03 PM via Website

John F.

@Alexander, @Elmar, @A.P, @Asamm Software, I am aware that you are having problems with :( but we are working hard on it !
Please keep patience by the time our developers fix this one out !

Hi Guys,

The developer who is respobsible for the store had a look at this. The problem is an exception in a third party library. To be specific:

At the moment the dev is working on another project which will occupy him for at least another 3-4 weeks. So I' very sorry to report that this is not going to be fixed within the next 4 weeks. I know this is frustating, but our dev-time is very thinly streched at the moment.

Sorry again :-(

Asamm Software
  • Forum posts: 17

Jul 17, 2014, 4:38:05 PM via Website

Good day Caspar,

thanks for answer, but I'll need a few more answers now.

  1. why you need APKTool? Final apk files you publish are signed by same code, so you (AndroidPIT) do not do any modifications in app code before publishing.

  2. If update 1.5.2 break the code, then this affect all apps on AndroidPIT? If no, then why Locus?

  3. If update broke your system, why not to revert back to 1.5.0?



— modified on Jul 17, 2014, 4:38:17 PM

  • Forum posts: 7

Jul 17, 2014, 7:32:09 PM via Website

Caspar Wrede

John F.

@Alexander, @Elmar, @A.P, @Asamm Software, I am aware that you are having problems with :( but we are working hard on it !
Please keep patience by the time our developers fix this one out !

Hi Guys,

The developer who is respobsible for the store had a look at this. The problem is an exception in a third party library. To be specific:

  • We use version 1.5.0
  • Updating to 1.5.2 breaks the code.
  • Version 2.0 is in beta state.
  • Fixing this may take 3-5 days

At the moment the dev is working on another project which will occupy him for at least another 3-4 weeks. So I' very sorry to report that this is not going to be fixed within the next 4 weeks. I know this is frustating, but our dev-time is very thinly streched at the moment.

Sorry again :-(

Is this a joke? 4 weeks? I don´t belive, 4weeks, maybe 3 months, or never... like your very fast answer.
Can you give me my money back? You can´t i know...

Asamm Software

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Jul 18, 2014, 12:04:34 PM via Website

Hi Menion,

  1. We require the APKTool to parse information from the APK
  2. It seems that Locus is using something new that APKTools cannot deal with which causes it to crash. For other older APKs it sill works
  3. We need to update, to prevent crashes, but we can't because it breaks other things.

Again, we are very sorry that we don't have the resources to deal with this problem sooner.



— modified on Jul 18, 2014, 12:48:22 PM

Asamm Software
  • Forum posts: 17

Jul 21, 2014, 8:07:37 AM via Website


thank you for a response.

understand and yes, it's correct. Locus is now more robust against decompiling.

Deactivated Account
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Aug 1, 2014, 10:14:14 PM via Website

AndroidPit is really a joke... I will also buy Locus Pro again on the PlayStore...

Deactivated Account
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Aug 8, 2014, 10:15:54 AM via Website

More than 4 weeks that this issue has been reported to you, AndroitPIT. Any news from your hard working developers?

— modified on Aug 11, 2014, 9:58:09 AM

  • Forum posts: 7

Aug 10, 2014, 9:17:17 PM via App

2 days without answer. Their developers really have too many work.

Deactivated Account
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Aug 11, 2014, 9:56:49 AM via Website


2 days without answer. Their developers really have too many work.

Somehow this reminds me of building the new BERlin airport... I don't believe androidPIT will ever fix this.(angry)

Deactivated Account
  • Forum posts: 4

Aug 12, 2014, 8:29:32 AM via Website

Bye bye, androidPIT...
Just bought Locus Pro again at Google Play, removed AndroidPIT appCenter.

Asamm Software
  • Forum posts: 17

Aug 13, 2014, 8:26:36 AM via Website

Caspar Wrede

John F.

@Alexander, @Elmar, @A.P, @Asamm Software, I am aware that you are having problems with :( but we are working hard on it !
Please keep patience by the time our developers fix this one out !

Hi Guys,

The developer who is respobsible for the store had a look at this. The problem is an exception in a third party library. To be specific:

  • We use version 1.5.0 of android-apktool.
  • Updating to 1.5.2 breaks the code.
  • Version 2.0 is in beta state.
  • Fixing this may take 3-5 days

At the moment the dev is working on another project which will occupy him for at least another 3-4 weeks. So I' very sorry to report that this is not going to be fixed within the next 4 weeks. I know this is frustating, but our dev-time is very thinly streched at the moment.

Sorry again :-(

Good day Caspar,

as well as others, we (developers behind Locus) are also interested in your progress. Tomorrow (14.8.2014) it will be exactly four weeks, when you posted quoted post.

Is your developer close to end of his previous task, so he will have time to fix this issue? And really, I'm not much interested in some excuses. I rather expect some more specific data, when you start work on it.

Thank you


Deactivated Account
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Aug 19, 2014, 2:49:58 PM via Website

Hi Assamm Software,

After an internal review I am sorry to say that we cannot fix this problem in the foreseeable future.

If users have purchased your app then they can get in touch with us (support@androidpit.de) and we will come to a satisfactory arrangement with them directly.

Again, I am very sorry about this. This decision was not in my hands.


— modified on Aug 19, 2014, 3:33:49 PM

Asamm Software
  • Forum posts: 17

Aug 19, 2014, 3:45:52 PM via Website

Good day Caspar,

to be true, this is exactly what we expected.

Anyway because of this "expectation" and because we like our users, new 3.2.0 version (published before and hour) has reduced security level, that allow to upload also on your server. So new version 3.2.0 is available also over Android PIT!

If there will be any chance to use fully encrypted app (so you wlll not use ApkTool to decrypt), please let us know.

Thank you.

  • Forum posts: 7

Aug 19, 2014, 4:25:50 PM via App

Thank you Menion! :-)

Asamm Software
  • Forum posts: 17

Aug 19, 2014, 8:30:16 PM via Website

Sorry guys, I have to open this topic once more and I'll need help
from Android PIT support team.

Except improved protection system in Locus, new version brings also
updated licencins library from Android PIT.

Request on validation (service is correctly connected):

SignedResponse response = mAndroidPitLicenseService.isLicensed(
                  KEY, packageName, nonce, debug);


- invalidating 'KEY', result in 'ERROR_INVALID_PUBLIC_KEY'
- invalidating 'packageName', result in same ERROR_SERVER_FAILURE
- invalidating 'nonce', also no change

- latest library from Android PIT 2.1

Any ideas? Because current version do not work because of this (and
one more issue), and I'm unable to manually revert back to previous
working version. Nice situation.

Thank you!

Issue solved. Your app do not check if request on your own server is done in background thread and result was always this weird issue.

New version is preparing. Sorry to users for unwanted troubles.

— modified on Aug 19, 2014, 10:15:36 PM