- Forum posts: 2
Jan 5, 2016, 12:43:31 PM via Website
Jan 5, 2016 12:43:31 PM via Website
I have a very important concern. I want an activity log of my phone Nexus 6P which has details about the phone being switched ON and OFF on the day 4th Dec 2015. The log must contain the exact timing of when the phone was On or OFF.
REASON: I was found with mobile phone in exam hall. Although I had switched off the phone a few minutes before the exam time, I am accused of using the phone in the hall.
The exam timing was 11:00 AM and I am sure that I switched it OFF at least 5 minutes before the exam. The only way I can prove that the phone was actually switched OFF is with the help of such a log. This is extremely important for me as it can affect my educational career. Kindly revert back to me about the procedure that must be followed to receive the information about the status of my phone on 4th Dec 2015. I will provide the IMEI number if it is required.
Thank you.