- Forum posts: 1
Jun 10, 2017, 7:37:37 AM via Website
Jun 10, 2017 7:37:37 AM via Website
I recently (2 months ago) got a new next book Ares 8a and since last month, it has been randomly powering its self down. And on when attempting to reboot, it takes 30-50 attempts to get it to power on, all other times it shuts its self down again. When it shuts off, it doesn't say that its powering down, it just does, like when you unplug a PC. It does this at all battery amounts and when it powers back on it always has 3 percent remaining. I've tried factory resetting and recalibrating the battery. It has been used a moderate amount, never dropped and it has only 3 apps downloaded. If anyone has suggestions or solutions, please reply