Valid Mobile Number Not Recognized (Whatsapp)

  • Replies:15
  • Forum posts: 9

Sep 29, 2023, 7:50:44 PM via Website

I have contacted Whatsapp Support 12 times (!) over several weeks but all I get is bot generated "answers" that are irrelevant to the problem. 

I got a new mobile number and can't register it. On the "Enter Your Phone Number" page, I enter my number using the CORRECT international format, but Whatsapp returns this error "The phone number you entered is not a valid mobile number for United States".

Except that it is. Whatsapp seems to think that it is a landline or VoIP, but no, it's a mobile number from a large provider. 

One possibility: my area code was activated in October 2022. Could it be that Whatsapp has not updated this in its database yet and thinks this area code is invalid?

Any suggestions anyone?

- Yes, the number is entered using the correct international format - I have done this lots of times before.  
- Yes, there is a SIM card, the cellular service is active, the signal is strong, data is activated.
- All other apps work. 

  • Forum posts: 10

Sep 29, 2023, 11:30:39 PM via Website

It's frustrating when you encounter issues like this with WhatsApp. Since you've already contacted WhatsApp support multiple times and haven't received a satisfactory response, here are some additional steps you can try to resolve the issue:

Clear App Data/Cache: Sometimes, app data or cache can cause issues. Try clearing the app data and cache for WhatsApp on your device. You can do this through your device's settings (Settings > Apps > WhatsApp > Storage > Clear Data/Clear Cache).

Reinstall WhatsApp: Uninstall WhatsApp from your device and then reinstall it from the app store. This can help reset any configuration issues.

Use a Different Device: If possible, try using a different mobile device to register your new number. This can help determine if the issue is specific to your device.

Try a Different Number: You might want to try registering a different mobile number (if you have access to one) to see if the issue persists. This can help identify if the problem is with the specific number or with WhatsApp.

Contact Your Mobile Provider: Reach out to your mobile service provider and inquire if there are any restrictions or issues with your new number. They might be able to provide insights or assistance.

Check for WhatsApp Updates: Make sure you have the latest version of WhatsApp installed on your device. Outdated versions can sometimes have compatibility issues.

Wait and Retry: Sometimes, issues like this can resolve themselves over time. You might want to wait for a few days or weeks and then try registering the number again.

Reach Out to WhatsApp Again: Continue reaching out to WhatsApp support, explaining the issue in detail. If you receive automated responses, try to find a way to escalate the issue or request assistance from a human support representative.

Consider Alternative Messaging Apps: While you work on resolving the issue with WhatsApp, you might want to consider using alternative messaging apps to stay connected with your contacts.

If none of these steps resolve the problem, it might be a specific issue related to your mobile number or area code. In that case, contacting your mobile service provider and asking for their assistance could be beneficial.

  • Forum posts: 9

Sep 30, 2023, 12:36:35 AM via Website

Thank you so much for your detailed reply. I did not mention everything in my original post but most of what you suggested had been attempted before.

This problem is not related to my device or my cellular service. And it works fine using another phone number - which is not mine though. It is a problem with Whatsapp erroneously thinking that my # is a VoIP, landline, or unallocated number and blocks it. This is a silly Whatsapp policy - they do not have to "validate" numbers that way.

I did contact my cellular service provider. While they were sympathetic to the issue they said there is nothing they can do. This is actually correct. The number is valid, can make and receive calls & SMS, no issue here.

While I am not certain I think that all numbers from my area code are similarly blocked because Whatsapp fails to accurately track new area code allocations.

Normally I would have given up long ago. Except that my medical provider insists in after-surgery follow-ups using this app. I can't schedule my operation until this is sorted out.

— modified on Sep 30, 2023, 12:48:01 AM

James Watson
  • Forum posts: 1,598

Sep 30, 2023, 8:57:10 AM via Website

Contact several friends or colleagues whose mobile phone number have the same area code with yours. Ask them if WhatsApp can recognize their phone numbers correctly. If all of their phone numbers is not recognized, you should contact WhatsApp to report that this issue should result from that wa does not recognize the new area code.

Download size < 0.12 MB. But also accurate enough, ad-free & free.
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Sep 30, 2023, 5:25:18 PM via Website

Thank you very much, James. All good suggestions.

  • Asking others from same area code to register to WhatsApp with their device:
    This test would be excellent. The problem is that no one in my small company or in my list of contacts has this new area code. In fact I have never seen it in any advertisement or anywhere else. Until a month ago I was unaware this area code even existed. When I got my new phone I thought the cellular provider had made a mistake and gave me a phone number for another US State or Canadian province. I had to Google it to learn that it had been activated at the end of 2022 as a 3rd overlaid area code for my region.

  • I am now at 14 tickets with WhatsApp "Support". Only bot type answers with links to their website. I have phrased my tickets slightly differently in hope of having an intelligent human look at them but no, it seems impossible. So even if I established that all mobile numbers from my area code are blocked, I would still have no way to get WhatsApp do anything about it. In the last 4 tickets I have already raised this possibility and it's been ignored by the bot.

Other things I have done:

  • In some tickets I have provided screenshots or videos showing the WhatsApp error blocking my mobile number. The bot has not looked at them.
  • Since WhatsApp has multilingual "Support" I have written 2 tickets in a foreign language I am fluent in. Same unhelpful dumb bot replies - just URLs to their website, no attempt to address the issue raised.

— modified on Oct 15, 2023, 7:45:36 PM

  • Forum posts: 9

Sep 30, 2023, 6:01:04 PM via Website

More about WhatsApp "technical support" or lack thereof:

  • It seems to be their policy not to provide support to non-paying users.
  • Their bot answers are laughingly bad. E.g. about half of them say that they cannot help because I have not provided my phone number. Well duh! The phone number is a mandatory field in the web form to open a ticket! I have also included it in the problem description at least once in each ticket and as many as 4 times in some tickets.
  • None of the "answers" I got address the problem I raise or provide any helpful information.
  • There seems to be no way to escalate the issue.
  • They have no phone # one can call to talk to a real person.
  • The have a postal address on their website. I may try mailing them a letter as a last resort. Pretty sure they will still not help.

— modified on Sep 30, 2023, 7:07:21 PM

James Watson
  • Forum posts: 1,598

Oct 1, 2023, 2:00:36 PM via Website

It will be helpful for the issue solving if you could get contact with the technical support of WhatsApp and directly tell him/her your suspicions about the new area code recognition.

Download size < 0.12 MB. But also accurate enough, ad-free & free.
The minimalist app available on Play Store:
Blog: Your 5-star is appreciated.

  • Forum posts: 9

Oct 1, 2023, 4:09:44 PM via Website

Yes, it would. And I did it 4 times already. But the bot has not addressed it. Like I said they don't look at the tickets. There is no technical support.

I am giving up on this app and their "technical support" (using the term loosely) from hell. I have to find a new medical provider that does not require its use.

Final WhatsApp "technical support" assessment:
- You're not paying for the app so we're not going to help you. [arrogance]
- Our app is perfect. Users who contact support are just clueless and not worth our time. [denial]
- If you open a ticket we're going to keep sending you random FAQ links until you give up. [cynicism]

Thanks for nothing, WhatsApp.

— modified on Oct 1, 2023, 6:01:44 PM

James Watson
Journey Through Time
  • Forum posts: 28

Oct 2, 2023, 7:07:18 PM via Website

If WhatsApp is not recognizing your new mobile number as valid for registration, despite entering it correctly in the international format, try these steps:

Double-check your number format for accuracy.
Test registration on a different phone.
Contact WhatsApp support for assistance.
Ensure you have the latest WhatsApp version.
Wait and retry if your area code is recent.
Verify with your mobile provider that your number is correctly registered as mobile.
Consider using a different number as a last resort

  • Forum posts: 9

Oct 14, 2023, 5:52:22 PM via Website

You have not read the thread, have you?

  • Forum posts: 17

Oct 18, 2023, 1:30:10 PM via Website

I looked for this on various websites including youtube and solved it using to choose network operator.

  • Forum posts: 9

Oct 18, 2023, 4:26:23 PM via Website

"Using to choose network operator"

What does this even mean?
There is no network operator choice during the WhatsApp registration process. Nor should there be.

Your network operator is identified by the Mobile Country Code & the Mobile Network Code on your SIM card. This has nothing to do with the issue here.

— modified on Oct 18, 2023, 4:28:44 PM

  • Forum posts: 1

Oct 30, 2023, 12:59:53 PM via Website

You don't happen to have the 557 area code do you?

  • Forum posts: 9

Oct 31, 2023, 4:21:05 PM via Website

I do not but this problem likely occurs with many "new" area codes.

I say "new" because 557 (allocated Aug. 2022) and mine (Oct. 2022) have been allocated for over 12 months now. Someone on reddit has reported the same issue with area code 826 (June 2022).

WhatsApp does not even have to "validate" phone numbers by trying to guess if they exist or not like they do now. By sending a one-time code by SMS they can see if the user replies with the correct code or not. If the number is unallocated the user won't know the code and cannot complete the registration process.
For reference you can see allocated area codes on the nationalnanpa website.

By stubbornly refusing to fix their error WhatsApp shows how untrustworthy they are. It's unfortunate that reputable companies use them.

— modified on Oct 31, 2023, 4:32:43 PM

Fatima Ansari
  • Forum posts: 18

Nov 2, 2023, 11:21:55 PM via Website

I can understand your frustration. It does seem like a unique issue. Have you tried contacting your mobile provider to see if there are any specific settings related to your new area code? They might be able to provide insights or solutions.

  • Forum posts: 9

Nov 2, 2023, 11:57:02 PM via Website

I have written this in the thread already. Yes, I have.
But this has nothing to do with the cellular service provider (CSP) and there is nothing they can do.
It is not the CSP who allocates area codes.
And the area code is routed properly within the PSTN. No issue.
The problem is only with WhatsApp.
Also over-the-top apps like WhatsApp literally takes business off CSPs (voice calls & text messages), so they are not overly sympathetic anyways.

— modified on Nov 2, 2023, 11:58:27 PM
