- Forum posts: 2
Nov 20, 2023, 5:05:04 PM via Website
Nov 20, 2023 5:05:04 PM via Website
For about a week now I have not been able to use WhatsApp on my laptop. It was working fine but all of a sudden I just started getting the clock icon next to any messages I try to send, and I'm not recieving any either. My internet connection is fine so it can't be that. And it's working fine on my phone. I've read in quite a few places that the best thing to do is just try logging out and back in, but I don't really want to do that because a) I'd rather know what's actually causing the issue, and b) logging out apparently deletes all your chats (on the device you log out on), and although I have all my chats on my phone, I'd rather ask online first than just log out without trying anything else.
Any suggestions?