Google CEO Eric Schmidt reported today at a company shareholder's meeting that 65,000 Android devices are shipped from the various manufacturers on 34 ...
The newest version of Google Goggles announced yesterday, 1.1, has brought with it lots of improvements, including translation for English, French, ...
Android devices in the USA using Google Search may have already noticed the latest update to their results page. Yesterday Google announced on their ...
According to Bloomberg, Sony will announce at Google I/O the creation of a Google TV service. The TVs will be a part of a home entertainment system, ...
Google's VP of engineering, Andy Rubin, had a talk with The New York Times about Android matters such as the next version of Android: Froyo. He also ...
The last time I wrote about Mozilla's Fennec (four weeks ago), it was a very early build and we saw a video of it being demonstrated on a Droid. In ...
An article from Business Wire reports that Yahoo! and Samsung are teaming up to "Extend strategic global partnership for mobile" which might involve ...
Motorola announced today their plan to replace Google's location services with Skyhook Wireless's Core Location service. Those of you who have been ...
Sirius XM Radio announced on Friday that they will be releasing a free app to DROID and Nexus One phones in May. The app will give subscribers access ...
The last story I wrote on the Nexus One release with Vodafone mentioned the posting of a release date for the Nexus One on Vodafone UK in April. It ...
Google's Nexus One got a lot of news attention lately, with the probability of Wireless N support increasing, an announcement by a Google employee of ...
Last night Google Maps Navigation 4.1.1 Beta was quietly delivered to UK devices in an update which gives free navigation services. Engadget reports ...
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