AndroidandMe released a story yesterday about their website receiving visits from devices running Android 2.2. Phandroid and AndroidCentral picked up ...
I wrote several days ago about Adobe's CEO announcing an expected release time of Flash for Android devices later this year. It seems that you can now ...
Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen told Fox Business to expect Adobe Flash 10.1 on Android and WebOS releasing in the second half of this year. Whether or not ...
Can it be true? What was Google thinking? They have admitted it, which is a good thing. But I still think it is is sad that Google has out-sourced some ...
With all the useless apps we are seeing flooding into the App Store and the AndroidMarket, one would think that we would also be seeing some really ...
Dr. Raymond Soneira from DisplayMate did some testing on the displays from the Google Nexus One, iPhone and Motorola Droid. Apparently, the cause of ...
"Android April" as it's being called will see the release of the HTC Desire, HTC Legend, and the Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 on Vodafone UK for what could ...
An article from the New York Times mentions that Google CEO Eric Schimdt revealed their intention to produce an Android-powered rival to Apple's iPad. ...
Google announced on the Official Google Blog that they are bringing universal search features in Google Suggest to mobile devices. According to the ...
Lots of news about upcoming phone releases by Verizon has appeared. It seems that the HTC Incredible's User's Guide has been released, an image from ...
According to TechCrunch and Phandroid, yesterday Google's "chief spam fighter" tweeted about the addition of a new service to that will ...
Last year Elan Microelectronics filed suit against Apple Inc. for alleged patent infringements regarding multi-finger technology. Most of us are aware ...
A few weeks ago, I wrote a blog about Canada finally receiving paid apps. It now seems that Google increased the number of countries that can access ...
Those of you who have multiple versions of Android on your phone probably know that there may be up to four versions of Android on your phone at the ...
The dispute between China and Google is well-known within the tech world. About a week ago, was removed and all traffic was redirected to ...
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