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Phonator51 upvoted this comment Dec 1, 2020 iPhone: Irreführende Werbung sorgt für Millionenstrafe (+50 Points)
Cario upvoted this comment Dec 1, 2020 iPhone: Irreführende Werbung sorgt für Millionenstrafe (+50 Points)
Steve upvoted this comment Dec 1, 2020 iPhone: Irreführende Werbung sorgt für Millionenstrafe (+50 Points)
Nobody upvoted this comment Dec 1, 2020 iPhone: Irreführende Werbung sorgt für Millionenstrafe (+50 Points)
Tim upvoted this comment Dec 1, 2020 iPhone: Irreführende Werbung sorgt für Millionenstrafe (+50 Points)
Frank A. gave a thumbs up for this post. Nov 29, 2020 App question (+50 Points)
Frank A. gave a thumbs up for this post. Nov 29, 2020 App question (+50 Points)
Deactivated Account upvoted this comment Nov 29, 2020 EU stimmt für "Recht auf Reparierbarkeit" – das soll sich ändern (+50 Points)
Tim gave a thumbs up for this post. Nov 28, 2020 App question (+50 Points)
Tim gave a thumbs up for this post. Nov 28, 2020 App question (+50 Points)