Most Android Wear smartwatches use a Snapdragon 400 but not all are getting Wi-Fi support with the latest update. We explain why and give some hope to G Watch R owners.
If your Note 3 isn't as fast as you'd like, there are lots of easy - and free - ways to improve its performance. Here's how to speed up the Samsung Galaxy Note 3.
The Galaxy S6 may be brand-new, but if you have any bugs or slow-downs, a quick cache clear might help. Here's how to clear the cache on the Galaxy S6.
The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 has a big battery, but it's got a big power hungry screen too. Get the most from your battery with our Galaxy Note 3 battery tips and tricks.
Security researchers have uncovered a critical weakness in fingerprint scanners that can expose your prints to hackers. Several Android devices are affected.
With the launch of pre-orders for the Apple Watch on Friday, Samsung has inevitably chimed in on what it thinks about its latest competitor in the smartwatch space.
If you want to know how to multitask on the Galaxy Note 4 with multi-window, our guide will show you how to do it. It's a great feature that makes the Note 4 special.
In our Galaxy S6 vs Galaxy S6 Edge comparison we'll examine two of the best phones Samsung has ever produced and tell you if the curved screen is worth the extra money.
The Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge may not have a microSD card slot, but we've got your storage problems sorted with these awesome storage solutions. Plus a chance to win!
Samsung's Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge may seem revolutionary to some, but they are part of a larger cycle of imitation wherein Samsung copies Apple as Apple copies Android.
Ever wanted to put together your own Galaxy S6 Edge like it was a piece of IKEA flat-pack furniture? Check out this video to (kind of) see how to do it.
A recent survey shows that the majority of current Samsung owners are not happy with the company's decision to abandon microSD cards and removable batteries.
In our Galaxy Note 4 Lollipop problems and how to fix them article, we delve into camera complications, Wi-Fi woes, and battery bungles to bring you the important fixes.
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